USA Personal Shopper Service

US Buying Agent service is an easy, reliable way to save money when you shop for your favorite U.S. brands.
Enjoy more value-for-money services!

Buy from USA | Online Shopping in United States with your reliable US Shopping Proxy

Shop Anything from the US

Shop at your favorite US stores. Choose your desired products and order them with us, USA Buying Agent will handle the rest for you!

USA Buying Agent | US Personal Shopper | Personal Shopper USA

USA Buying Agent Service

We connect you to the US and buy your favorite American brands & products. We offer the best rate, and reliable service, delivery, and support!

Shipping from US | USA Forwarding Services | International Shipping from USA

Fast Shipping Worldwide

Enjoy fast delivery and the lowest rates to worldwide destinations. It takes 3 to 14 days for your package to arrive at your doorsteps!


US Personal Shopper | USA Shopping Service

We do the shopping for you.

If a store doesn’t accept your credit card or you’re uncertain about making the purchase yourself, don’t worry. With the help of our service we can do it for you.

USA Consolidation Services | Consolidation Service in the US

We combine multiple orders

We combine multiple orders from different sellers in one economical box so you can save in shipping! Save up to 60% by package consolidation!

USA Free Storage, up to 180 days

Free storage, up to 30 – 90 days!

We offer free storage of up to 30 – 90 days so you’ll have more time to shop for your favorite american brands and combine your orders in one shipping!

Sales Tax Free Shopping in the US with USA Buying Agent

Sales-tax free

We order your items and ship from sales tax-free US state. This means, you can get up to 7.25% off of any item, depending on where the seller is located.

Fast Shipment Processing | Shipping from USA to Worldwide Destinations

Fast shipment processing

Most shipments are available for review within 24 hours of receipt and pack requests will be ready for shipment the next business day. You can also choose from a variety of shipping methods.

USA Buying Agent 24/7 Customer Support

Responsive customer support team

Our customer support team is happy to help and respond to any questions about your order. Need extra photos or items checked for defects? No problem!