USA Personal Shopper Service - USA Buying Agent

USA Personal Shopper Service

USA Buying Agent acts as your buying and forwarding agent for a wide range of quality products available in the US stores. We are here to make it easy for you to buy from anywhere in the world american brands and products. Our processing center is located at Delaware which is a sales tax-free state. This means you can save up to 7.25% off on an item when you choose USA Buying Agent. We offer various services for a minimal fee designed to optimize your shopping experience. Moreover, with a dedicated US Address that comes free when you sign up with us, you will be able to save up to 60% in shipping when you have all your orders combined in one economical package! We perform quality control check at various stages of the process: inspection upon receipt, inspection in-process and inspection prior to shipping. We are very serious about the quality of our service as we only want the best for all our customers. Wherever you are, you can always shop conveniently at your favorite US stores with USA Buying Agent! All you need to do is send us your order instructions, and we shall handle the rest for you!

About Our Company

USA Buying Agent ( is a website owned and operated by Import B Co., Limited. Import B Co., Limited is a company established in 2010, and is the Strategic Ad Operations Partner for many buying agents in China, USA, Japan, Korea, and Turkey.

Company Name: Import B Co., Limited
Company: Private company limited by shares
Date of Incorporation: 2010 September 16

You can check Import B Co., Limited company registration through the Integrated Companies Registration Information System.

Contact Us

You can contact us directly by:

Live Chat Service
Tel. & WhatsApp: +19092567050